Thursday, March 13, 2014

Critique But Do Not Criticize

  We live in an age where we love to be critical of others. Actually, I'm sure that every age has had this problem. Today, our criticisms can go further though, because of the Internet.
   There is a lot of criticism going on through the Internet today. Is criticism wrong? It depends upon the motive of the person doing the criticizing.
   We can be more objective and respectful if we critique something rather than attack it. We all need critiquing, at times. Criticizing is different though, because it attacks a person instead of what that person is promoting.
   In apologetic circles, it is good to critique the beliefs of the Skeptics. We have to be careful to not attack the Skeptic though! When we attack a person, it is called 'Ad hominem'.
   A good rule of thumb is to treat other people (even our enemies) in such a way that we would wish for others to treat us. Would we want others to attack us for what we believe in? Wouldn't it be easier to have a conversation with someone who is not critical of you than to try to reason with someone who has attacked you?
   We are to respect other people and treat them with dignity, even if what they believe in is wrong. Who knows? Maybe the person we are critiquing would be open to our friendship? Always be kind in everything you say and do about others. Speak the truth, but always in love.

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