Today I am thinking of a specific group of people who need help, but it seems hard to give them help. Let me explain what I mean.
There are a lot of needy people out there. Some are people who are following the Lord Jesus Christ, and others are not. We see many homeless people out there and would like to help. We see people with marriage problems or problems with their children or another family member and we would like to help.
Some people come to the church and receive counseling. Many of these people are greatly helped. We are thankful for good, Biblical counselors who have the wisdom of God and who serve with humility.
But the problem I am concerned with today is with a particular group of people, who want to be helped, but either they don't understand about being helped or they don't want help because of something it requires out of them which they are not willing to give.
Thankfully, not everyone who needs this kind of help responds this way. This type of response I am talking about comes mainly from people who have been abused or victimized. They truly are 'victims' and need a special kind of help or attention.
My first encounter with this response of 'pick and choose' help is with the homeless in our area. I met a homeless woman named 'Debbie' one time. She asked for money and I talked with her for a little while and she explained her story to me. I told her of a rescue mission she could go to, but she informed me that it was closed down. I know it isn't closed down because I have a friend who works there.
The usual encounter goes something like this; So and so tells me her story. She can't work for whatever reason. She needs help and is coming to the church asking for help. People come in to her life and give her suggestions on how she can save money or they will tell her of a place that offers food at no cost. Her response goes something like this; I can't eat that kind of food at a food pantry. Or, the pastor offered to pay my rent, but they asked me to go to these classes first, but I don't need those classes so I'm looking for another church.
These needy people usually go from church to church to find temporary help, but are unwilling to work with the suggestions that are offered by the churches they have visited.
The reason I am writing this article is because I have a concern for people. When we live in relationships with other people (and I am thinking mainly of the church, the body of Christ, the family of God) what is it that a needy person struggles with in receiving help that is offered? Why does the needy person assume that they can pick and choose what kind of help they need to have?
Perhaps one reason is that the needy person has a wrong view of who God is. They are trusting in God to provide for them, but perhaps He is showing them what their responsibility is, and they are refusing to accept that responsibility. Could it be that they think God owes them something since they went through such a hard time in life, and that God will make it up to them by miraculously supplying everything they need in abundance without any response on their part (In other words, God owes them something) ?
Our Christian walk (sanctification) is like a give and take. Any relationship is a give and take relationship. We do our part and the other party does theirs. But here is the difference; In the world, the give and take is based upon manipulation, many times. ("If you give me your lunch money, I won't beat you up"). But in our relationships in the church, there is to be no manipulation. We need to find what our responsibilities are in our relationships with one another. We need to grow in our relationship with God and our trust in Him needs to develop.
So if you are a needy person out there, and you have come in a relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ and are part of the body of Christ, can you learn to work with the church and receive their offering of help? Can you also be grateful for the help you are able to get, even if it isn't what you expected, or if it isn't enough? Can you please not blame God when your provisions don't come in the way you desire, even though they are there? Can you work with the church that is helping you by taking the classes they offer, or by following their recommendations on getting help? If you have any questions on this or need help with understanding this, please send an email to . If you have any comments write them in the comment box below.
"We sent the helicopter, but you refused to get on." (Mike Nash)
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