Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Newtown Tragedy - How Should We Respond ?

I don't know about you, but I find this tragedy difficult to know how to respond to. First of all, I can't imagine anything so difficult to go through, because it involves children. When something happens to children, it is very hard for us to grasp. It is bad enough when something devastating happens to adults, but with children, it seems so senseless and cruel.
    I've read through a couple of articles or messages on this, but the one I found tonight seems to be the most helpful. It is written by Ravi Zacharias on this particular incident. Here is the url for it, and I would encourage my readers to go to it and get a good perspective on it.Ravi Zacharias on Newtown

  Here is an excerpt:

My own attempt at saying something here is feeble but carries a hope 
that somebody listening will make this world a better place. My heart
 goes back to Angola Prison in Baton Rouge where I met such people 
whose savagery took them to that destination. It was interesting to see 
a Bible in every cell and to hear many talk of how it had become their 
only means of life and hope. Someone with me said, “If we had more 
Bibles in our schools maybe we would need less of them here.” To the skeptic and the despiser of belief in God, I know what they will respond. 
I am quite convinced that the one who argues against this ends up 
playing God and is ultimately unable to defend any absolutes. Hate 
is the opposite of love and while one breathes death, the other 
breathes life. That is what we need to be addressing here. The seeds 
of hate sooner or later bear fruit in murder and destruction. Killers 
are not born in a moment. Deep beneath brews thinking and the 
animus that in a moment is uncorked. We are living in a society that nurtures hate on many sides with the result that lawlessness triumphs.

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