Friday, April 15, 2016

Life Isn't Fair. But God Is Merciful!

Life isn't always fair. Sometimes, I think we think of our spiritual life in terms of fairness. That's the way we look at the world. Plus, we have wrong philosophies tied in with life, which make it hard for us to understand the truths in God's word. We end up with a distorted view of who God is.

This unfairness problem is universal. It doesn't seem fair that some people have to suffer greatly, while others seem to be prosperous. People who are opposed to God seem to get away with a lot. People who love God and are serving Him suffer in ways imaginable, many times.

I heard a phrase one time, that put this all into perspective. I had a friend who had severe mental problems. It wasn't that she was born with anything wrong with her. She was born into a family who practiced Satanic Ritual Abuse. Since she was the firstborn daughter, she would take the brunt of anything that her parents would send her way. She had a sexual relationship with her dad since she was small. Her dad would take her out for men to rape and abuse her, as part of the sexual abuse practice that they carried out in that home. They would put her in a cage and treat her like an animal. They gave her electrical shocks to try to train her. The list went on and on. The sad news is, that this type of thing is going on in many places in our country. The bizarre thing about this, is that parents who practice Satanic Ritual Abuse on their children rarely get caught. These people act perfectly normal during the day. It is at night when only the family is in the house when these terrible activities take place. No one suspects the parents of anything. The result is a child who grows up with multiple personalities who will do the same thing to his or her children*. The cycle continues. Is it any wonder that people who go through this as children end up in the mental institutions?

The phrase that was used was 'She was thrown a curve ball'. How many of us have been thrown a curve ball?

I am trying to communicate something way more delicate and serious. I pray no one gets offended or discouraged by what I am writing today. There is another factor that is not good that is also involved in all this. It has to do with the spiritual realm.

Whenever we suffer or have anything bad or traumatic happen to us, that leaves us vulnerable. It leaves us spiritually vulnerable as well. It's like taking a scab off the top of a cut. The cut is not healed, and when the scab comes off it will take longer to heal and could possibly end up infected. That is what it is like when any of us suffer. It is bad enough to go through grief, trauma, or any kind of suffering.

All of us experience suffering in our lifetimes, in various degrees. God allows the suffering to happen, and is in control. The Bible assures us that God is with us in our suffering if we know Him and if we love Him (see Romans 8:28). If we don't know Him, then we are not under His umbrella of protection. He may be allowing the person who does not know Him to go through the suffering to bring that person to Himself.

Sometimes, when we pray about our situation, God changes it. But many times, when we are suffering, we pray about it and God gives us His grace to go through it. When we commit the circumstances to Him, He will do whatever He pleases whether it be to take the suffering away, alleviate the suffering, or give the person the strength to go through the trial. Whatever will happen, we need to commit it to the Lord and ask for His help and strength.

But in the spiritual realm, things also are happening that we need to be aware of. Because we become vulnerable when we experience pain and suffering, we need to realize that Satan will be right there to tempt us to believe his lies. He will be there to make God look distorted to us. We need to have a good understanding of who God is, from His word. That will protect us from falling.

It's like a double whammy. It doesn't seem fair. But, God's ways do not always make sense to our minds. If you are grieving right now, keep in mind that you are vulnerable to the Enemy's attacks. He will attack with vengeance. But, if you stay guarded in prayer, and if you continually feed upon God's word, you will receive God's help through your difficult time. We don't see the end product like God does. We usually only see what is there, in front of our eyes, today. We don't see 10 or 20 years down the road. We have to admit our weaknesses to God. We have to want help. If we try to make sense of our suffering, and our understanding is outside of God, we are going to fall. The Enemy wants us to trip and become discouraged. He wants us to doubt God. He will pounce on us when we are grieving. He will bombard us when we lose our job or our friends.

It doesn't seem fair, but, God is the winner, and if we love Him, we are on the winning side. He promises never to leave us or forsake us. He is working all things for our good. The danger is, we are vulnerable, and we have an enemy who would take advantage of our weak condition. We could listen to him and what he says will sound plausible to us. We need the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God to refute anything the Enemy tells us or does to us, especially when we are vulnerable, and if life has thrown us a curve ball.

* For more information on mind control programming and Satanic Ritual Abuse, here are some recommended books:

These recommended books are affiliate links. Thank you for your support. I would recommend reading the reviews on these books and doing research on the Internet based on the information acquired from these books and/or articles on the Internet or other recommended reading. 

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