Sunday, February 10, 2019

My Struggle With Helping Those Affected By Trauma

I am just absolutely torn right now. My goal has always been to help people, and to help them to know who they are in Christ, and to help them to be built up spiritually.

For the past several years, I have been in a struggle, which has caused me to do a lot of research on. Not only have I done research on this subject, but, I have also had personal experience with this serious issue in people's lives.

The struggle is, many adults today are suffering from mental illnesses and issues who seem unreachable. These people end up getting ministered to, then they stab the backs of people who tried to help them. Did they want help, to begin with? What happened?

Here is the problem; Satan knows that when human beings are little, they are formidable and can be molded, shaped, destroyed, and remade by cruel people, like abusive adults or older children or relatives.

Did you know that in the 50s and 60s, highly intelligent people were brought over to America, who were part of the war? America reasoned that if she doesn't take them, Russia would have, and then Russia would have had the advantage of the expertise of these geniuses.

These 'geniuses' worked with the CIA in certain parts of the country (Not everyone in the CIA or government was aware of what was going on. Only a few knew.) These geniuses were doctors, like Doctor Josef Mengele (also known as Dr. Black), and they would work with children using mind control techniques on them.

These children were taken to a special place (according to a friend, they were called, 'Safe Houses'), and they were basically deprived of food, sleep, etc. until they could become compliant. Once they got the children to become compliant, they would work with them using control methods, such as shock treatments. The goal was to destroy the mind, and remake it, according to their experimental desires. Some little girls were programmed to be used sexually, while some children would be trained militarily. Many of these children were also tormented by their parents with Satanic Ritual Abuse. As a result of this, the children developed multiple personalities.

Also, what has been going on in our country for the last decades, seems to be an invasion of sexual predators and sexual abusers, especially in families. This also destroys children's minds and results in multiple personalities at the same time.

Fast forward to the present. What we see now are adults coming through the church, who are obviously suffering some kind of mental difficulty. It is now almost predictable how they will respond to our help. Many start off seemingly wanting to be helped. They seem to be helped when someone prays for them or helps them with a physical need, etc. But then, something strange happens. After a while of being helped and working through the pain, the person becomes ungrateful and turns on those who are helping him or her.

After working with a couple of people who are like this, I do have an answer that may help. But the whole response depends upon how desperate the person is to be healed and helped. People with multiple personalities have a hard time understanding boundaries. They see boundaries as a weapon of hate. When talking with someone who counsels with these people, I was told that the reason my friend struggled with boundaries, is that she never had proper boundaries placed around her when she was little, and as a result, she will trespass my boundaries.

Recently, I became a friend to a lady who has all the characteristics of multiple personalities (also known as D.I.D. - Dissociative Identity Disorder). This woman knows the Scriptures. But she needs help. Even though she can quote Scripture excellently, she is harboring anger toward men in the church, because they have boundaries and are placing them around her.

In this lady's mind, she would believe that her need for healing is greater than the need for the rest of us to worship God. She was disruptive during the service and asked to be quiet (which she refused to do). She accused those who told her to be quiet of being judgmental and hateful to her. Her friends, who used to help her in many ways, are being careful now, knowing that she is angry with them for not helping her anymore.

This kind of behavior and thinking is not new. I am not making fun of people who see things this way. I would love to talk with these people and reason with them so they can be helped. But here is the catch; 1. They have to see and acknowledge that there is a problem with them, and 2. They have to be desperate for help and willing to work within the framework of the church.

To those who are struggling with this; please understand that we want to help you. That is important to us. However, we can't help you unless you want to be helped. You cannot be helped unless you have some understanding about boundaries, and that we have limits and boundaries placed around us that you are not permitted to go past. This is important to know, or you will never be able to be helped. The next thing you need to understand is, that we are not God. We do not have an unlimited amount of resources to help with. If we can help with finances, we will help where we can, and if we can. Same way with time. We might have a limited amount of time to work with you, and we will make you a priority where we can. But we do not have unlimited amounts of time to spend with you.

You are not God, nor are we. We cannot fix your problems. We can only serve and help, and when possible, have words of wisdom that might help.

Our goal is to see you healed and whole. We know that only God can heal a soul. We are His agents and will bring words of truth and grace that will bring healing. When those words bring pain or have a requirement out of you, you need to decide if you want to continue with the healing process. No one will force you to do anything, and we will stop if you do not want to continue. But please stop judging those who cannot do anything more to help. At some point, you will have to take responsibility for yourself, and we will be there, if you want, to help you through that process.

"Silver and gold have I none. But such as I have give I thee.
In the name of Jesus Christ, rise up and walk."

For those interested, I am recommending this book, written by a doctor who is helping those affected by the work of the CIA on children during the 50s and 60s.

Here is a link on Doctor Mengele. Read the article for more information on him.

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