Monday, October 20, 2014

Dealing With Satanic Ritual Abuse Victims

  This is a tough one. Out of all the traumatic problems people go through, this seems to be one of the harder ones to deal with. Not only are there physical components to work through, but the spiritual aspect is necessary to deal with.

  I won't go into all the details here of what goes on with Satanic Ritual Abuse, but, the results are devastating. One of the obstacles in those who are affected by SRA is that their stories are hard to believe. We live in a physical world and we see physical results from physical causes, but when you are dealing with Satanic Ritual Abuse victims, part of the nature of their difficulty is that there is a supernatural component that sounds very strange to the natural mind.

   We all want to help people, and we are learning how we can help in the best way. Let's start with defining some things that go along with SRA. One of the first things we have to know is that children, even babies in the womb are affected when Satanic Ritual Abuse is applied to them. For example, one method used by the abusers is electrical shocking aka shock treatment. I don't know exactly if mind control programming is specific to Satanic Ritual Abuse, but those who practice Satanic Ritual Abuse work with mind control programming. Sexual activities, such as rape, are used in Satanic Ritual Abuse practices. Trauma is one of the main ways that SRA is used.

   The nature of SRA is that is happens to children who are born into families who have practiced SRA for generations. It is a religion. I won't cover all the beliefs of this religion, but, to explain what it is, I will bring out some points. First, a daughter who is the first-born, will be rejected by the family. She will probably be dedicated to some demonic entities at birth. She will be a victim of rape, and rituals that accompany the rape ceremonies. She will be tortured/tormented by her abusers. She will likely see many people die or be tortured. She may be put into a cage and treated like a dog, or she may have food and sleep withheld from her. Guess who the main ones will be who are doing the torture? Mom and dad will be the ones to carry out this activity, but others will be involved too.

   You probably wonder how a parent could do this to their child. I wondered too. There is a component to that as well. You see, the parents were treated this way by their parents. What ends up happening to the child in a situation like this, is that the child will end up with what is called 'Multiple Personality Disorder' (MPD) or 'Dissociative Identity Disorder' (DID) which are the same thing by different names. When the parents were babies, their parents treated them in the same way they are treating their child. When a person had MPD, he or she had different personalities that they developed while they were under trauma. Every person has what is called, a 'core personality' which is just the basic person manifested by their personality. But when a child has been traumatized, he or she will blank out the 'core personality' and live in the subconscious during the time of trauma. The person may never come back to the place of having the core personality operating. He or she may live the rest of his or her life in another personality that was made during the traumatic time in that person's life.

   Imagine seeing, let's say, a plane falling from the sky, and it falls in your back yard. You wouldn't call your best friend and say, 'hey, a plane just fell in my back yard'. You would probably have an assortment of emotions that eventually would lead you to call someone for help. Let's say that you are a child, and someone came into your house and brutally killed your mother and sister as you watched on. You wouldn't just tell someone about it the next day. You would be extremely affected by what you saw. You may even have nightmares from it. It would be so terrifying to you that you possibly wouldn't even remember it, but when you did, it would be a terrifying memory to have. This is much like what a person who is abused by SRA experiences. But they experience this many times over.

   Those experienced in working with mind control programming know how to create in children multiple personalities. The personalities are formed while the child is experiencing trauma. The child will probably not remember the trauma because of its intensity. While these personalities are forming, the mind control programmers put mind control programming into the child. For example, while the child is under trauma, they will give the personality that is forming, a name. Let's say, it would be a name like 'Pretty Mama'. They will also put keywords into the child's mind and give them directions on what they want the child to do when they hear the key word. So, throughout the child's life, whenever she hears 'Pretty Mama' it triggers her mind into the personality that was given that name. Many names are associated with sexual activity. Other names that are given are associated with military tasks. So, for example, a child under trauma might be given a name like G.I. Joe. G.I. Joe was programmed to know how to build a bomb and how to blow up a bus. He will have key-words given that will trigger him into being G.I. Joe when he is in another personality mode. He will be trained to act upon the mind control programming when he hears the key-words.

    What I want to do is to help others understand that there are people out there who have had the experiences of SRA and are living out the effects of their past experiences. The question for us is, how can we help them?

   Keep in mind that many who have lived in homes where SRA was practiced, end up committing suicide. They see no way out, and the only way out for them is death. We, as the church, need to be ready to help them. We need to be prepared, because over time, and with the availability of the Internet, we are going to see more and more people who have come from this type of background. Most of the time, these people do not realize that they were in homes where they were victims of SRA. Some children have tried to escape from their homes, but they are usually unsuccessful. Sadly, even though it is hard for us to believe this, but some children are victims of being used as a human sacrifice to Satan.

   Many wonder why these people do not get caught. There are a few reasons, but I want to focus on one in particular. I personally believe that when the church (I am referring to the church in general, not any specific one) is healthy, society will become healthy. The conditions around us reflect the condition or health of the church (the body of Christ-true believers). For the past 50 years, probably longer, the church has been very passive and indifferent. Very few are in faith for God to move in our lives. Most don't even care. In the past centuries, whenever there was an opponent to the pure Gospel message, there was always someone who stood up for the truth. The truth prevailed. But in America, in recent years especially, the church has just sat on the sidelines, so to speak. I believe that if the church were growing and healthy, we would not have issues like pro-choice vs. pro-life, or same sex marriage issues today. We presently have these issues, because we were passive when others marched their causes into the Supreme Court and got what they wanted. If we were the church God intended for us to be, God would expose the works of darkness and people would not be allowed to get away with murder.

   The powers of darkness are very strong and real. Satan is not a red character holding a pitchfork. He is a powerful demonic force that we have to resist. We don't resist the Enemy by just going to church on Sunday and living for ourselves the rest of the time. Spiritual warfare is a lot of work. If we were doing spiritual warfare, God would set the captives free. Setting the captives free is part of God's plan for us as a church. It doesn't happen automatically. As the saying goes, 'All it takes for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing.' That is exactly what the church has been doing for the last 50+ years.

  I don't know about you, but when I realize what people affected by SRA have gone through, I am willing to sacrifice things in order for them to be set free. I am willing to learn how I can help them in the best way possible. These are people who have had their dignity stolen from them. They feel like garbage. They have been sold to the Enemy by someone else. They are trapped and don't know how to get out. Can we love these people and do whatever we can to try to set them free? Can we bring the Gospel to those who are in this utter darkness?

   "Father in Heaven, Creator of all things, We ask that You please have mercy on those who have experienced Satanic Ritual Abuse in their childhood. Please expose the works of darkness and those who are working this kind of darkness. Let Your healing power be present and at work. I pray that many will be set free and that the chains will fall off them. Please let moms and dads who are practicing this horror on their children, to be caught. Also, we ask that the network that has been so strongly woven together to hold these people into bondage, begin to unravel. Please set the captives free, especially little children. I pray that where there are doctors, police, governmental workers, politicians, and others who embrace SRA to not be able to use their positions to keep people in bondage and defend the wrong when they know it is happening. I pray for many to be pulled out of this web of horror, even tonight, tomorrow, and in the coming days, weeks, and months. May the Gospel of Jesus Christ be made available to those who are in utter darkness, and may the chains begin to fall off even now. May the Enemy of our souls be subject to Jesus Name. Please break every spiritual chain holding these people down. Thank You for the blood of Jesus which is powerful enough to undo the works of darkness. Thank You for disarming the powers of darkness and for the power of the Resurrection. Give Your church the power to serve and minister to these broken people. In Jesus' name."

Although this article does not use the words 'Satanic Ritual Abuse' in it, the description of what Carol Rutz went through during her childhood explains clearly what children who experience SRA go through. Many who lived during this time period, also were sent to these 'safe houses' as they were called (and they were anything but 'safe'). More and more information is coming out now about the children who were involved in this activity during the 1950s-70s. Today, there are many adults, now in their 50s and 60s who are mentally ill because they were part of these experiments. Let us learn how we can help these people and ask God for wisdom and compassion, as well as patience.

   Carol Rutz Interview- Rutherford

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