There are some similarities between real life and playing a game. There are differences as well. The similarities are the different teams who live on this planet, just as there are different teams or players in a game. The differences are that we are playing for life and eternity, not just to win a game. The goals of the team leaders are different too.
It's like there are two captains, yet, the captains are very different. One captain is evil, beyond imagination. The other captain is good, beyond imagination. One captain is all-powerful, all-knowing, holy, and omnipresent, whereas the other captain is a created being, ultimately subject to the all-powerful Captain.
In a sense, we are stuck in the middle. We are created beings too, like the Evil captain is. We are not as powerful as the Evil captain is, and we certainly are not as powerful as the Captain who created us.
In the beginning, we were originally created to be on the team of the Captain who is the Creator, the Good Captain. But the Evil captain was around and tricked some of our team members into his side. Ever since that happened, whether we like it or not, we have been on the side of the Evil Team's captain.
The rules of the Evil captain are run by deception. The problem with deception is that you don't know you are deceived. When we are born, we think we are basically good, and we think we are on the side of the Good Captain, but we really aren't. We can see selfish expressions of our lives even from the time we are babies! As we grow older, it becomes more and more evident that we aren't on the side of the Good Captain, but the Evil one.
The Good News is that no one has to stay on the side of the Evil captain. We can now be reconciled to the Good Captain and be on His team instead of the Evil team. The Good Captain, who is God our Creator, took on flesh, and lived a human life, the life we should have lived but couldn't. Then He died a death that we should have died. He should not have died that death because He didn't deserve it. But now we can be on His side, the winning side. Of course, just knowing about this doesn't make us automatically on the Good side. We have to turn away from sin and selfishness, and turn to God, trusting what Jesus did for us on the Cross 2,000 years ago. Jesus is the winner and showed forth the victory when death was defeated after He arose from the grave! When Jesus died on the Cross, the Evil team lost the battle. Yes, the devil is still prowling around trying to tempt people to fall into the trap of sin, but now we don't have to belong to him. We can belong to God and be on the Good Team, only because of the victory won by God's Son 2,000 years ago when He died on that Cross and arose from the grave.
Now that I have finished writing this blog, I have to admit that it wasn't what I originally intended to write! Maybe I will save that for another blog, another time.
The Enemy tricked us into his team |
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