Saturday, February 25, 2012

M.P.D. is Difficult To Work With

  I will just start out by saying that M.P.D. can be hard to work with. There are a few reasons for this. Mostly, it is because it is misunderstood. M.P.D. is sometimes thought of as demon possession. Others seem to think it is the product of an overactive imagination. What is it really, and why is it difficult to work with?
   One reason it is difficult, is because people who have had severe trauma seem to have a problem with memories coming up that are bad. Part of the problem with M.P.D., is that when the child is being traumatized, he or she basically blanks out. Because the child has to function, the awareness part of his being disappears. Another part of his or her mind goes into action then, to help him or her cope with the bad situation. Then memories are created, but they are hidden deep in the sub conscience mind. They usually stay hidden until this part of the memory wakes up again (which could happen in a dream). Because the traumas were so severe and bizarre, people tended to dismiss them. But now, people all over the country are finding these same memories appearing in people and are puzzled to know how to help them.
   For many years, a little girl who was raped was forced to keep it hidden (by the perpetrator) and made to feel guilty for what was done to her. She was not allowed to tell people and when she did try, people would not believe her story. Today, that happens and because we now know it actually does happen, and has been happening all along, we will believe her story. It is the same way now with ritual abuse survivors. They are trying to tell their story, but not many people believe them, yet. But, in time, they will, and these people will be able to get the help they need, if we are diligent to learn how to care for them.
   More on this later....

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