Monday, December 5, 2011

Counseling in Women's Restrooms- For Women Only!

   Last night my husband and I were talking about how often there is an opportunity for counseling women in the restroom. This may sound like a silly concept but it is very workable. After all, how many times have I gone into a restroom and saw a woman in tears? It is interesting to note, that my husband has not seen any man in the restroom in tears. He informed me that men go outside and take a walk. There definitely is a difference in the composition of men and women, and that shows God's handiwork in both genders.
   I have met several women throughout my years of being involved in a church, who were in need of someone to pray for them, or to speak a word of wisdom to them. Some women are just lonely, and appreciate the time taken to get to know them. It is just part of showing hospitality to one another.
   Years ago, when I was around 19 or 20, I was the one crying in the restroom. The church we were attending at that time was very small, so I was usually the only one in the restroom at that time. I wished I had someone to walk me through some basic steps in learning how to work through problems and difficulties Biblically. I remember the need for that when I was young, and I often see young women going through struggles that I meet in the restroom. It is a great place to have fellowship, or to pray for someone going through a hard time. But I will say again, this can really only apply to women, and we do have to be sensitive to return to the auditorium so we don't miss the message!
   There might be cases that would require a pastor's attention, or a care-group leader may need to know what is going on in someone's life in his home-group (care-group). If you should find yourself in a situation like this, try to get the woman's phone number and have someone contact her that can give further help. This is a great way for ministering to one-another.

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