There are four main categories while dealing with those who are being counseled. They are, 1. suffering, 2. guilt, 3. anger, and 4. fear. Suffering is obviously the most prevalent of all, and Scripture talks to suffering people.
The problem of guilt is very strong though. People feel guilty for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the guilt is there as a response to an evil act that someone did. I even remember my dog having a 'guilty' look when he knew he was caught doing something wrong! Some guilt though, is not necessarily guilt from doing something wrong. The devil is clever at reminding us of our failures and he piles on the guilt, sometimes even when we didn't do anything wrong.
I remember talking with a man one time, about the Gospel. He was convinced that his sins were too heavy or too great for God to forgive him of. He truly did feel guilty, because he was instructed to kill people in Afghanistan, which he did. He killed civilians as well, and now he was having a hard time dealing with his conscience. He had a hard time understanding, or believing that God would forgive him, even if he truly repented. That is what God is in the business of doing though, and He does it best.
Today I am struck by another angle of this guilt. Many people don't know this, but in the case of a woman or even a little girl who has been raped, something usually always happens that is uniform in just about every case. The person, almost always a male, will tell the girl, after raping her, that if she tells anyone about it, he will do bad something to her. I have hears stories of men taking animals and killing them, then telling the raped woman that he will do that to her if she tells on him. So the little girl or whatever aged woman who just got raped, can't tell anyone about it, or the rapist will make sure she is punished. If that isn't bad enough, the rapist makes sure she knows something else; the rape was her fault. Not only does he threaten to punish her if she tells, but he even informs her that her being raped is her fault! What a trap of Satan that has boggled the minds of women through the centuries.
I am thinking of those poor young women who were held hostage for a decade in a house in Cleveland, Ohio. These women were the unfortunate victims of a very sin sick man, who abused them in horrendous ways, ways, I'm sure we could never imagine. Ever since learning about how perpetrators treat their victims, you can be sure that this monster of a man has laid the guilt for his crime on these women. The three women who, by God's grace and mercy, were able to escape, are going to need a help that only God can give. They were treated like dirt for ten years. They were basically fed lies by this man, and thankfully they are now out of his dominion. We need to understand that when women come out of something like that, they are going to feel guilty, even though it wasn't their fault. This is where the church comes in. Whenever we counsel women who have experienced sexual abuse, we have to make sure that they do not take the guilt of the perpetrator. That is not their burden to bear. God never intended for women to be sexually abused, let alone taking on the guilt of the abuser.
I remember trying to help a woman who was abused by men. The last one she was abused by was her ex-husband. He ended up hating her and putting the blame on her. That is what perpetrators do. We had to get her to say out loud, 'I am not responsible for Arthur's sin'. She wasn't responsible for his sin. He chose to be abusive. He will have to bear his own sin, and unless he repents and turns to God, he will pay for his sin in hell.
I have been reading in the Bible about Jesus evaluating the Scribes and Pharisees. I was surprised to see how hard He came down on the Scribes. They were people who were taking advantage of the weak. Then they would make a pretense to be religious and gain the respect of the community, while ripping people off that couldn't defend themselves. Jesus indicated that their punishment was going to be worse than Sodom and Gomorrah!
I do understand that at some point, the victim has to forgive the violator. But I think it is so important for the victim to first understand that she is not the cause of the perpetrator's actions against her. This is so important. She will struggle over and over again, and it will be hard for her to understand forgiving her perpetrator until she gets through this part of the difficulty.
If you are a victim of sexual abuse, and have been violated, please take this to heart. It is not your fault that you got raped. If you have to tell yourself this 1,000+ times, please do it. Do not take the guilt of the perpetrator. If you do, you are not making him responsible for his sin. He will not learn the 'fear of God' if you carry his burden of guilt and believe his lies against you. Give this burden to God. Do not try to work this out in your own strength.
If you are a perpetrator, and you want help to change, God is bigger than your wicked heart. You will need to repent and make restoration to those you have harmed. Sexual violation is a very serious crime. It is not the victim's fault that you raped her. You are totally responsible for your actions. Not only have you violated someone, but you are trying to make them bear your guilt. This is unacceptable. But know this; even though your sin is very, very serious, if you repent, and turn to Jesus Christ in faith, God can forgive your sin, as bad as it is. If you continue though in your activities of sexual abuse, then you are not really sorry for what you have done. Know that this sin is most serious. It is similar to that of the Scribes that Jesus encountered, of whom Jesus said that their punishment would be worse than those who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah. The choice is yours.
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