This is an excerpt from a book called 'Designed for Dignity written by Richard Pratt. I thought this would be a good Biblical perspective on marriage and other relationships that we have with people. We always look at a relationship and when something goes wrong, we see what the other person is doing. All it takes is for us to let our guard down and sin will take over. The Bible is clear that sin is always at our door. We have to keep the door shut. But we can't do it in our own strength. We have to have the power of the Gospel in our lives. The is the only way we can have victory in our lives. If we don't have conviction for our own sin, we need to ask God to help us look at our hearts so we can see our own sin and deal with it. We are not responsible for the sins of others. We are only responsible for our own sin. God can give us a new heart with new desires. We need to repent of our sin, and turn to God and trust in what Jesus did on the Cross for us. That is where the power of God is.
"Think about how natural it is for you to rebel against God. Consider how easily you come under sin's influence. We do not have to devise ways to turn away from God. We do not have to plan on it. All we have to do is to drop our guard and sin inflicts its damaging blows. For example, what do you have to do to ruin your family? What is required to obliterate the bonds that hold your home together? In our fallen world, simply let nature take its course. Sin will prevail and your family will be destroyed." Richard Pratt- Designed for Dignity.