What kind of words do you like to hear? Do you like it when people call you names? The Bible says that 'Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones.'. Do you want members of your family to be physically and spiritually healthy? Then speak the words of health to them.
Let's talk about name calling. I remember one time watching a grandmother talk to her grandson as if he were a piece of trash. She was setting him up for failure, whether she realized it or not. There was name calling involved. I can't help but wonder how this young man turned out, as he would be an adult at this time.
Do we watch out and catch ourselves calling people names? How about labeling people and treating them in a special way, according to what we see is wrong with them? Is there a better way to handle our anger and want for revenge on someone else?
The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Can you imagine a society in which people were told bad things about themselves while they were children? What kind of society would be produced by that kind of treatment?
So is the answer to use flattery? Absolutely not! Flattery is not encouragement. It is a counterfeit for true encouragement. Look for evidences of grace in your spouse or child (or other family member or friend) and recognize those. Let the other person see the grace of God in his or her own life. We don't need to be discouraging people because of our own pride. We need to tell them of the hope that is only in God, and the power of the Cross that is available to all who will trust in Him and turn from sin to God.
If you have been guilty of name-calling or putting someone else down, please repent. The grace of God is for you to help you be a means of grace to someone, instead of using the power of your words to destroy another. God wants to help you overcome this, and He is for you and will be your help in change.